Request Your Military Service Records – VA Loans Nevada

If you ever need your military medical or personnel records, you can go to this link: https://karenconrad.commilitary VA Loans This is a valuable link, especially if you need your DD-214 for a VA Loan. If you are considering buying a home, make sure you start early gathering your paperwork. If you need to order records, […]
DMV Nevada Online Registration
We just recently renewed our vehicles online and our DVM Account would not let us log in (we have LastPass) and this has happened two years in a row. The easiest way to renew your vehicles is to go to this link: One-Time Renewal For all your real estate needs in the Reno-Sparks are call […]
2018 Caughlin Ranch Community Yard Sale
2018 Caughlin Ranch Community Yard Sale, Friday, May 31, Saturday, June 1 and Sunday, June 2nd For more information about the Caughlin Ranch Community Yard Sale call 775-746-1499, Caughlin Ranch Home Owners Association, CRHOA, and give them your address to register for the for the annual community yard and garaged sale.CRHOA publishes a flier for the Garage […]